Best Examples of teachers using Social Media for Enhancing Learning

What are the best examples you have seen of teachers using social media to enhance learning?

Social media has a greater impact these days in life of all individuals. Opportunity to connect 24x7 has drastically changed life style at home and at work place. Young children or grown ups have their presence on social media platforms like facebook, twitter or G+. Innovative and creative teachers think out of the box and always try to reach to their students. Social media has open doors for teachers to connect with their own students, ex-students, their colleagues as well as other teachers from all across the world. It has added a new dimension to teaching learning.

Using facebook page: A teacher can set up own page easily for creating his/her presence 24x7.
In my teaching learning journey, as a Mathematics teachers, I created fb page Planet Infinity my KHMS Math Class ( ) for sharing hands on Mathematics activities, recreational games and puzzles, having creative discussions, sharing students work etc. It has a great impact on students learning.
Our School’s Alumni Page, School’s page are used for sharing the regular activities of schools. It has helped in creating not only a brand name for school but also establishing a link between various stakeholders in school education.
Here are the links:
Kulachi Nursery-

I am working as a lead teacher for running Udaan Creating Identity a Kulachi Enterprise as a part of  School Enterprise Challenge ( )
in my school which is a competition on learning how to set up a business enterprise by NGO Teach a man to fish. In 2014 we started our facebook page for sharing the journey of students and promoting the products made by students for sale.  Using social media helped our enterprise create a brand name and share with other school our journey. Here is the link Other participating schools have also created facebook page of their enterprise which motivates students to learn from each other. Teachers of different schools have created facebook page of their school enterprise which can be seen by students and teachers of other schools.

Using Closed facebook groups:
Connecting with students:Teachers are connected with their students on facebook. They share important questions, post assignments, create discussions and share useful weblinks for learning a particular subject. Every year, I create a closed group with my students for doing the same. Many a times, in the classrooms queries of students remain unanswered. These closed groups play as a helpful medium to connect with students 24x7 with anytime, anywhere flexibility. Students post their queries which can be answered by classmates and the teacher.
Connecting with other teachers: Many teachers are using their facebook page for sharing classroom strategies and connecting with other teachers. It has proved very beneficial as teachers are able to design activities having global dimension. Groups like Global Ambassadors ( ISA Journey of Schools, Mathematics Movement ( , Creative Teachers, Technology for Teachers etc. are useful for teachers in aggregating ideas for classrooms.

Using G+:  
Educational Google communities are evolving as more and more teachers are getting aware of Google tools in education. For enhancing creativity, collaboration and ICT skills I have set up G+ ,”Mathematics Club at KHMS”. Students work in groups and post their allotted project work. They share with each other useful Math Videos and short cut techniques etc. This helps in creating interest of students towards appreciating and learning of Mathematics. Here is the link .

I will share the example of my school Club,”The Kulachi Global Club”. They all are connected on G+ wherein they collaborate with each other for activities of the club. During the school time students of club find less time for interaction. Google + communities play handy and safe platform for students and club teachers. Club coordinator teacher Ms. Anita Chadha posts useful and relevant information and students act accordingly.

Ms. Avnita Bir, Director and Principal of R N Podar School, Mumbai, India says, School  believes in the power of using 21st century tools as well as platforms for enhancing the learning experience of our students. She believes that we cannot be removed from the world of social media that our children inhabit. School uses Facebook closed/secret/open groups/pages for remaining connected with their children. Age appropriate tools as well as medium with close monitoring and moderation by responsible minds can help children learn to use the freedom they get with a sense of responsibility. Drishtikon Facebook open group is meant to build mature perspective and wide outlook for our children has students, teachers, parents engaging in and sharing their views towards meaningful discussions. They also use closed Facebook groups as study groups that double up as alumni groups. They also use social media to create a buzz for any important event the school is organising. It helps build branding as well as reach a wider audience.

from Mathematics Learning


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