What are the important skills, behaviors, and attitudes that students need to become contributing global citizens?

Honoured to be a part of Top Global Teachers Bloggers 2016.
This month, I am so glad to think and write my thoughts on important skills, behaviours and attitudes that students need to become contributing global citizens.

We are no more an isolated identity rather we are a significant part of the global village. When we say global, it means relating to the whole world. We are connected with each other in some or the other way. Economically we are connected with each other through world trading. The rise and fall of prices of a commodity in one country affects the economy of whole world. We are sharing same planet, “The Earth” for living, so we are connected environmentally as well. We are connected politically by international relations between countries. We are socially and culturally connected in various aspects. Our wrong or right choices will impact our local community, national community and the entire world. We all are interdependent.
Students should have a real understanding of diversity of cultures, religions and nationality. Through education we should nurture young minds to enhance skills, behaviours and attitude for becoming a responsible global citizen.

  • Communication skills-  For sharing thoughts and ideas acquiring a good communication skills is important. Listening to each other and expressing thoughts is a way to progress. Students can be encouraged to learn different languages other than their mother tongue. They should learn to participate. There are different ways of communication other than speaking. Students can learn to communicate through writing. They can start blog for expressing their thoughts and ideas. They can learn to communicate through dance and art forms.
  • Collaborative skills-  Working together in a team is an important skill to be acquired by all. Students should learn to work with peers of their age group. Learning to work with people of different views, different age group, different cultures and backgrounds is a desired skill these days. Ability to work with others in a cooperative way is a desirable skill.
  • Creative thinking- Thinking creatively is need of the hour. Lots of opportunities are around us. What can be possible to uplift the society using the available resources? What are the different ways of dealing with current challenges? Students should be provided with an environment to enhance their creative thinking. Trying new ways and new ideas
  • Critical thinking- Students should learn to ask questions about what they think in a given situation and reason for the same. When something is right, why it is right? And when something is wrong then why it is wrong? Children who acquire critical thinking skills are good decision makers.
  • Problem Solving- Finding solutions in a current situation is a skill needed by all to contribute as a global citizen.
  • Leadership- World is looking at leaders who are committed and positive enough to strive for equality, justice and peace on this planet. Every individual is born with some potentials. A leader by his actions and commitment drives the change. Leadership skills are important in terms of bringing a desirable change at local, national and international level.
  • ICT skills/Digital Literacy - Internet has changed the entire scenario of being global. It has shrunk the world on a desktop/laptop/palm top. Having ICT Skills is a core component for surviving today. Each individual on the globe can explore, learn and contribute richly through this medium.
  • Entrepreneurial skills- Do not give a fish in the hands of a hungry man rather teach him to fish. The problem of unemployment is growing at a large scale which is affecting the entire globe in terms of social development. We need to empower the young generation to become entrepreneurs. [ See how we are developing entrepreneurial skills in our school students by running a school business set up by students and lead teachers.] Udaan Creating identity is a Kulachi enterprise in which students acquire entrepreneurial skills and life skills.
Behaviours and attitude
  • Self awareness- Who we are? Which part of the world we belong to? What is the time zone? What is our culture and heritage?
  • Be aware of the diversity spread across and learn to respecting each other’s culture and heritage
  • Be flexible, creative and proactive.
  • Empathetic behaviour- Children should be taught to be empathetic. They should learn to give appropriate care and support to people in need. They should  learn to be sensitive enough towards the different feelings and viewpoints of others. Learning to understand from viewpoints of others is essential.
  • Understanding how each individual is equally responsible for taking care of environment.
  • Learning to help each other in disaster situations.
  • Spreading a message of peace and harmony. Every child right from day one in the school should learn to become a peace ambassador. Peace  begins with self a lesson for life should be taught and experienced from beginning.
  • Digital citizenship- In the age of living in a virtual world one need to behave ethically right in a cyber world. Cyber bullying, cyber thefts and many more problems are cropping up at a rapid rate. We need to make our students follow digital citizenship rule to work as a responsible global citizen.
Our school is British Council International School Award 2014-17. We have embedded global dimension in our school by following a international policy. [ We do activities with partner schools in India and abroad. Visit our School International Blog KHMS Goes Global.]

from Mathematics Learning http://ift.tt/29RBN8g


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