
At the beginning of this month, matheminutes joined facebook. The sole and shameless aim of this post is to generate likes and follows for the page. I like likes. The trouble is, no matter how many you have, facebook always seems to suggest that you are inadequate and should have more.

To like and/or follow matheminutes' page and keep the goalposts shifting, you can click here, here, here, here, or here.

Or here.
Now that you've done that, I suppose you want some mathematics related to facebook. Well, I don't have any. I thought instead that I'd go all Buzzfeed and explore 1000 maths-related pages already established. It is said that you can't judge a book by his cover. In contrast, I believe you can judge a facebook page by its newsfeed, and that's precisely what I intend to do.

1. NRICH mathematics project

There won't be many maths teachers who would argue that the NRICH page shouldn't feature. If you are lucky/unlucky enough to be teaching a sharp bunch of students who think they know everything and, hence, more than you, then the NRICH website is an invaluable source of activities that will keep them quiet.

What's that, Archibald? You've factorised and solved all of the quadratic equations?

Well factorise this if you think you're so clever...

10. Mathematical Mathematics Memes

If you understand any of these niche memes then you can consider yourself brighter than average. For example, knowledge of both the harmonic series and the films of Neil Burger are necessary to work out what's going on here.

11. Wolfram Alpha

Stephen Wolfram's computational knowledge engine is ground breaking. You could even use it to work out what on earth that meme is all about.
Get it?

Naturally, the Wolfram Alpha facebook feed provides top quality procrastination for the well-informed.

100. Math Art

If you're not in the mood for number crunching, then this feed will provide a visual feast of artworks inspired by mathematics. Hints of Mandelbrot and Escher run through the posted images.

101. Mathematics

The most general of all the pages suggested here, this feed provides a broad range of links to mathematical articles.

110. Numberphile

A series of videos involving mathematicians doing maths with Sharpies on brown paper doesn't sound like the recipe for an internet phenomenon. With nearly 2 million subscribers on its YouTube channel, however, it has proved a tearaway success. It's most popular video has been viewed over 14 million times!

111. Information is Beautiful

For a satisfying supply of gorgeous infographics, there can be no finer feed than this. David McCandless' first book (of the same title) was an enormous success. He is helping to revolutionise the way we use data to picture statistical fact.

1000. matheminutes

Donald Trump has tweeted that this is the best facebook page in the history of social media. Anyone who says otherwise is fake and overrated. Like it by clicking here.

from matheminutes


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